Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Reflections of a "euro mom"

So why would one leave Minnesota during the three most beautiful months of the year to travel by train and metro and plane? Why would one spend a year preparing a four and seven year old for a trip to Europe by reading about impressionists and the French Revolution? Why? Just look at Kate's face the first time she saw the Eiffel Tower and shouted, "Look Mama! It's the Eiffel Tower! Isn't it beautiful?" This is reason number 1.

PARIS spelled out by the "euro kids". Reason number 2 is that my children get to share this experience with other children. Their memories are now interconnected, their lives linked globally.

Reason number 3 is that traveling in Europe and as part of a group of 6 children and 6 adults builds character and flexibility. Kate can now nap on a plane, train, metro, in the Hard Rock Cafe and on my back. (Jack joined Kate for a nap at the Hard Rock and everyone has napped on the train...thankfully, 40 pound Kate is the only one who has napped on my back!)

Eurokids in front of the queen's hamlet at Versailles.

Kate and Abby on the way back from Versailles.


The 4th reason that spending the summer as a euro mom is great is just watching our children's minds and hearts open up to new experiences and people. We spent the morning in Montmartre listening to street musicians and watching artists. Sophie and Jack especially enjoyed the experience and sketched right beside the artists. This artist's name as she is known in Montmartre is "Tati Danielle". She loves to paint with oils, she was born and raised in Normandy after the Second World War and she completely gave herself over to Jack and Sophie Sunday morning.

Abby and Jack doing watercolor painting in Monet's garden in Giverny.

And reason number 5... was actually a surprise to me. The best part about our European adventure isn't the places we go and see, but the connections the kids and parents make along the way. For a few short weeks, our kids have new brothers and sisters and a larger and more intimate village of parents looking out for them. Our oldest, middle and youngest children now have someone their own age to hang around with. Wisdom is shared as Elle advises Jack on the trials of being the first born. Lauren is amazing as a "big sister" and her patience with tic-tac-toe and card games never wears thin. Sophie shines as a leader by reading stories to the little girls and guiding our group around Lucerne. Jack gets "boy time" with his dad amigos and learns some flexibility as a "middle child" in the group. Abby shares her good nature with everyone and Kate basks in the glory of her posse of friends. As parents, we get to co-parent with a group of our closest friends, I get to watch others parent my children and I'm allowed to parent their children. I learn and grow. It is an amazing, once in a lifetime opportunity...



  1. Lovely, Laura! I miss you guys! Tears rolled down my cheeks as I read this one! Jack and Kate are so lucky to have this wonderful experience!

  2. Laura, this was the best post of all!!! I wish I'd had these experiences with my own kids. What a wonderful family you are.
    Jan Hertel

  3. Laura, you inspire me! You live life to the absolute fullest and you teach your kids to do the same. Bravo!


  4. Yes, what a wonderful experience for everyone - once in a life time! We are really enjoying europe through your eyes. Thanks for all the pictures for Gramma Jennie. She has really been enjoying them!

  5. This is an amazing post, Laura! You took the words out of my brain... if that makes sense :)xoxo, Lauren Lynne Steinke

  6. Laura, what a fabulous trip! Memories forever!
