Friday, July 13, 2012

Lascaux II

Today we visited the caves of Lascaux II. These caves were discovered in 1945 by four French boys, Jaques, Marcel, Georges and Simon when their dog fell into a hole that led into the cave. The Hall of Bulls is the first room you will enter, it is called the Hall of Bulls because there are four bulls, two to the right and two to the left. Underneath the first and second bulls are a lot of horses, scientists think that these drawings of horses are actually one horse in movement...this is a prehistoric movie! Scientists think that this cave was like a church or religious place for the cromagnum man.

Today Jack read a book that told him that when the boys discovered the cave their hearts froze because they saw bones and they thought it was a human skeleton...but then they realized that it was the skeleton of a donkey that had fallen into the opening.

After Lascaux we visited le Thot a place where Jack and Kate could see real animals that were painted in Lascaux like the Auroch.

Jack knows that mammoths are vegetarians and harmless, unless they are being hunted, but this one still "freaked him out!"

Au revoir for today!

1 comment:

  1. I love Kate's little scarf!! Looks like you are all having a ton of fun. Give both kids a hug from the Groves family! xoxo
